Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Testimony & Ministries

My name is Vilmer Paul

I am married and I have 3 kids.

Here is some things about me and my ministry.

I come from North East of Haiti, in a small country which is named (Michel) of about 35 families at 6 kilometers of a little town of the name of (Grand Bassin) where I grew up, is now inhabited because of its suffocated condition of life. ( no potable water, no electricity, no school, no clinic, no police, no good road, there is not even a cemetery). When I was 6 years old, I was in a school in the town where I have to walk 6 kilometers two times a day to attend my primary school. After finishing with my primary, in 1989, my parent decided to send me in Cap Haitian to get a secondary education, I had no house to dwell there. So I knew living at people's house to have education. I went to a professional school and then getting a profession in order to get my own survive and to release my parents from their inhuman condition of life . Now with my profession, I used it to do something in the morning and then go to school in the afternoon. Now after finishing my secondary classes, I decided to go to a lawyer school in Cap Haitian. When I was in the second year of study, I received God's call to be a minster for Him. At that time I was already married and had 2 kids. I finally agreed and starting a small prayer group in a yard which later transformed because we had so many converted in a church(Eglise Clarté Celeste; in English Heavenly light church) in 2001, and now it is a pretty large church.

Note that I had no formal training in the Bible, but God kept challenging me to become a full minister for Him. I finally left everything that I used to do as activity to go to Emmaus Biblical Seminary to get a formal education in the Bible. As we keep evangelizing people and making small group with them, and then teaching them how to do small group and disciple other people, the church is moving in a croissant way, having several baptismal ceremonies a year.

we also have a big children club, where we teach them and integrate them into Christianity.

Because of the church and my family, I did not stay in the compound of the Seminary, but I go back and forth each day from my house to the Seminary at a distance of 10 miles on bicycle. As Evangelizing is a particular place in my heart and ministry, God shew Hi power to us when a famous witchdoctor by the name of Abnau got converted to Jesus through our ministry. This one used human sacrifices every year to his Voodoo gods. Actually when we went to his voodoo Temple to destroy the sacrileges, we found a human head with flesh and air in it in his Temple. Then as my church members acknowledge the importance of home, or neighbor discipleship, God put in my head to establish a yearly festival each September named (Souls harvesting) each person bring to the church a soul or souls that he/she capture from the devil and then bring them to Jesus. It is a very challenged ceremony. Until at that time we were an independent church.

I established a comity of elders for helping in making decision for the church.

they are board members of the church. the man at the left side is a Police commander, he is also the one who lead the staff. He is a godly an humble man.

Now as the church is growing up in that spiritual level, then the needs also are increasing too in several areas, like legal needs, social needs, and economical needs.

After getting my bachelor, Dr. Bill Cooper who was the rector of Emmaus Biblical Seminnary called me in his office and tells me that after they carefully follow me for 4 years, finally they want me to be in the Emmaus Staff as a teacher. To be able to do that, it requires that I keep studying, then Dr. Bill made contact to Wesley Biblical Seminary, and God puts in the heart of the Vice president of Academic affairs Dr. Ray Easley to accept me in their Seminary to pursue my Masters Degree.

I have to go to USA twice a year to attend residency period, but I am living and leading several responsibilities that God entrusts me.

For the end of that academic year, God gives to me more work to do in his kingdom by putting me in the position of interim director of academic affairs in Emmaus Biblical Seminary. Now my vision is to fulfill God's work faithfully, and your prayer can support me and helps me doing that task with wisdom. I am teaching several courses too, like the Book of Job, the book of Revelation, Catholicism, and Greek II. I sometime translate for the visiting Professors because we welcome visiting professors who can teach at least one module of 10 days of class as we need more human resources.

For the legal needs; we have need to married people who live together without married, Need for baby's dedication, need to be acknowledged by the Haitian government because without that we cannot minister wedding and dedication ceremonies. Then We entered in a indigenous legal organized group named Communion des Eglises d' Emmaus; (Emmaus Fellowship of churches) which can provide only the legalization with the Haitian government. When we talk to them they let us know that they can provide nothing more than the legalization therefore they tell us to work to support ourselves.

For the Social needs; as we are evangelizing, many poor people filled our congregation, people who just like I came to Cap Haitian and live at another person,s room, people who live in house which is not good for rain neither sun. people who do not have hope to eat once a day. People who wear a same clothe day after day until it breaks and then try to have another or lend other people's cloth to come to church. People who cannot pay for medicine when they are sick, people who cannot pay school for their children, people who cannot have access of potable water, nor a descent room. Now I begin to be aware of that hard ministry that God calls me for, and why I come from a so poor family. In 2007 the famine was so hard that people gathered before the palace three days to ask food from the president (Rene Preval) at that time, there was people in my church area which is at 6-7 kilometers to the city of Cap eating durst literally in a form of cake with salt.

Then I realize that God call me for a his purpose to minister among those people, then My heart was broken to know that, I started organizing a food meeting with specially the widows and the orphans every Friday. It was not because I like to do it like that, but because of my financial capacity. Every Friday is like a new year for them. More than 37 people, widows and orphans.

I used to raise chicken as business, and that was a great way of helping my feeding program. since it is forbid to buy chicks from the Dominican, my barn is empty, but I am looking for ways to restart such an helpful business. I am seeking for way to buy chicks from Florida and fly them to Cap-Haitian. MFI is agree to fly them, now a permit from the Haitian government and money are needed to restart raising chicks. I raised 3000 chicks every 70 days.

Now I am aware of why I come from a miserable provenance, I planned to start a school so that the orphans could have education, but we have no building for it, so we have it in the Temple. We support with that school not only the orphans, but every suffering children for education in the area of the church. That is why We have so many children . My focus is to have a school where they could find good teachers and good place for an education like any other children.

My real vision is when these children will finished with their primary education, to be able to establish an professional school for them so that they could learn a profession, because poor people could not go to university here if it is not a special provision from God. As I see how my profession helped me and my miserable parents who cannot pay secondary classes for me and because of my profession I was be able to pay by myself and found food for my survive. I realize if God allows me to do that, then many miserable children will after their primary classes have ability in doing something to support themselves. That is very important. Right now we have several children who come to our school for their first time in the ages of 8, 9 even 10 years old and until now even though I say to them to come without money, but they could not even find uniform shoes and books to come. My real vision is to offer education from primary to professional so that the miserable children could have a release in their lives. I believe that Government will do nothing to change Haiti, But God is changing that country through the Christians societies.

Economical needs; I grew up under a house which cover with grass, eating rarely, sleeping on the ground, and having a difficult education, but remember my parents are not the most miserable in that form of life. To telling you the History of misery in Haiti it is a long history that I wish you seeing with your own eyes someday. What I do now in my congregation is creating a micro loans project so that the economy can be ameliorate in several families, our good Friend Jerry Casckey loves that plan and share some of the burdens. There I make loans to 16 persons to make a small business to get just their daily survive. And I hope to filled the congregation with that project. it exist since June 2007.

We are working to ameliorate life among our people, we develop micro business for the families in their or some place else, for men and women. They are doing several kind of business.

Luximond Joseph is doing a charcoal business. He testifies; "I am able to buy food for my family, paying school and covers other needs". He has a 16 months loan. and the chairman of the program.

Roselene Lamour is a mother of 3 children, and she was asking for a loan, and we did give it her. she has a 2 years loan. she sales many thing at her home.

He is Felix Auguste, he is doing a drink business. he has a loan for 4 years, but he is now repaying half of his debt.

Madame Elisé Mogene, is selling clothes, and she has a loan for 2 years. her business is doing fine

Madame Oniel Jean Baptiste is doing also clothes Business at side of Madame Elisé. she has a 2 years loan.

Marie Mercie Pierre is doing a drinking business and some other things at home. she is the secretary of MACODEF, and she has a 2 years loan.

Lucner Bell has a 2 years loan, he does can carry business in a wheelbarrow. it's work very well, and he is repaying very well.

Madame Mervilien is doing a boutique at home, she had a 16 months loan, but she is finish repaying all her loan. she needs congratulation because her business still running.

Those are specimen of several qualities of business our people are doing after receiving a loan. They have to make plan of what they want to do and analyzed by the comity of MACODEF before delivering loan. MACODEF has a comity of 6 people. Georges Fenelon, Luximond Joseph, Marie Mercie Pierre, Vilmer Paul, Kate Zlotnicki, and Jerry Kasckey. That means we are four Haitians and 2 one Missionary and one visiting professor in Emmaus Seminary.

We also work in micro industries, we actually have some of our affiliate who are doing some little industries. Iderick does a sower business, Adlex Alexis does a phones and batteries recharger.

Those little Businesses help us in our gongregation financially too because those people paying tithe regularly in their profits for the care of the church. Last year we were working inside of the Temple building with their tithes

We have a lot of demands (petitions) for loans that we are not able to approve, We still looking for ways to have more loans running. We are thinking of giving loans to several churches in 5 years. the MACODEF is 3 years old now.

Now our church has about 400 people from September 2001-2010.

We built the Temple of Eglise Clarte Celeste( Heavenly light church) by ourselves without help of any organization or particular people.

God uses me after getting my bachelor from Emmaus Biblical Seminary to teach in that Seminary, and the staff leading that Seminary chosen me to be in the masters program after following my conduct since 4 years. I received in 2008 a call to be a radio Host in 4VEH which is an evangelical radio. I preach there every Saturday afternoon.

Now we have a big club in the church area with the children every week so that we can bring them closer to Jesus and then having some save among them and educate them.

For the school organization, I have a board with me. There is a director and an administrator, we all sit and making decision on how to spend the money that we have. I hope to open an account in Bank specially for the school. I do not already do it because I do not have money for that now.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, thankyou so much for taking time to read all those staff about our ministries in Haiti. And know better how to pray for my ministries and my family. If you have any question or having interest in any of these ministries, feel free to pray God to show you what should be doing.

Loving in Christ

Vilmer Paul

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