Friday, July 1, 2011

Here is the way that we finish the school year for 2010 and 2011 in ICEP at Heavenly Brightness church. (Eglise Clarte Celeste) there is the tird grade which is added, we will have six classes going one this coming academic year 2011-2012. BE PRAYING for these kids, parents, teachers, school administration and the church community. Haiti of course!

Fundamental grade II

Fundamental Grade I

Kindergarten III

Kindergarten II

Kindergarten I

Thursday, June 30, 2011

What does that mean to be a shepherd? What is the implication of being a shepherd?
Being a shepherd is being responsible for the sheep at all the time, in time of abundance as in time of starvation. When they are in joy as when they are in peril to death with their enemies. When they are in the plain as when they are in the valley. The times and the circumstances are the shepherd’s job. The sheep are not Knowledgeable, they are not strong and they can get lost easily. So, everything depends upon the Shepherd’s wisdom and intelligence to prevent them under The Holy Spirit’s guidance. If the sheep have to face peril, it is automatically the shepherd’s responsibility to face peril on behalf of them. Their enemies are direct shepherd’s enemies.
Why do I make this above paragraph? More than Three years, there is a vague invasion of false religions in my town, and several church elders are becoming to decline their responsibility in the Christian churches to join Jehovah Witnesses. Ho! That is a chock to the Churches and to the pastors. Great confusion in the Christian churches, the adults feel unsecure in the protestant churches, because they believe that they deacons and the elders are wise enough. They believe in them since they were in the protestant churches for 30,35,40,,,50 years. The feel confused and don’t know what to believe in. There are for me two opposite sides in that. The first is that this attack face by Christian churches is a poisonous infiltration which can kill the church to the profit of Jehovah witnesses. Since the Jehovah Witnesses perceive how they invaded the Christian churches, they forget about non converted people, but their focus is on those who are Jesus’ followers. Because not only they create a declension in the Christian churches, but the non-converted people will think that they are the reasonable group to join to because even the Christians are joining them. Furthermore, not only Jehovah Witnesses is working like that, but Seven day Adventists do the same, Brenham, Disciples, etc. Then since Jesus foretell that false prophets will come, people that I shared with, think that doesn’t suppose to be a challenge to me. And as I look at I see the Christian churches are declining, that hurt my heart. We organize crusade, evangelism, and so one but after a few times some of them join the Jehovah Witnesses. I am thinking on that situation to discover the reason. For a long time of making research in the churches and talk to the Christians who left the Christians communities.
The second side is that it forces people like me to start making research on that decline and to bring solution under the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
For about two years, I feel like I have the answer of the “why question”, and the answer of the question; “how to prevent that”.
It is amazing for me to research and to discover, but it is my greatest frustration as well to realize that just two things are the origin of that depredation.
1- It is the result of a lack of accurate teaching of an efficient Christian theology. The lack of a strong reliable and logical theology among our Christian communities is a negative aspect on our part. Why should people be Christian? Why do we think that Christianity is the best? On what our faith is built? What is the most relevant and simple theology that all the Christians need with a strong emphasis so that they can explain it easily to anyone who might question them? Contrary to the Jehovah Witnesses, any first come Jehovah Witnesses can stand and disprove the divinity of Christ and prove that anyone who worships Christ is in false religion. (I TAKE THAT CONCERN SERIOUSLY)
2- The second parameter is the moral standard of several pastors in the Christian churches. Many pastors consider themselves as administrators who are there to make sure that an organization is working properly. Finally they don’t even mind in a shepherd manner. That is why they prefer fighting to each other and with church’s members when their job is frightened. Pastors creating dissension quarrel, and battles in the Christians churches. More than that, as they live as administrator instead of shepherd, the miserable women get abused by them for money or a job position. Therefore this chaotic situation gives rise to up-coming of the false religious sects.
Now my greatest concern is: how remediating this situation.
I realized that good Theological teaching of our Christian background about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit need to be taught. Their work in the redemptive plan for humanity should be well presented as well. I began to realize that most of the pastors when the stand to preach, they just telling bible story but not a strong theological entry of why being a Christian and how being a Christian. So both the realities of a strong theological teaching and the ethic issue must be at the front line of what should be addressed to remediate the situation. Since I realized that, I start working to produce a Sunday school book because 80% of the attendance of the churches is Sunday school members. In this material I go carefully on the theological background issue in a broader aspect on who Jesus is and what he has done for humanity in its history. I also go very carefully on the ethical issue of the Christian as well. Dr. John Oswald’ book on BEING A CHRISTIAN helps me a lot in that parameter. (the three test for being a Christian are highly considered, Test of Obedience, the test of love and the test of faith). The first year, more than 120 churches used it. This year more than 200 churches are using it. And I hope having everything ready to finish it and having it printed on time because I am working to gross the boundary of 500 churches. But I am sure that book alone will not completely remove the situation, but it will diminish it considerably if it can keep reaching the pew and the leaders. But sometime our ministry depends on the amount of resources that we have available. But my greatest challenge is to distribute 10,000 books for a Strong Sunday School Program in the next two years, 50,000 in four years, and 100,000 in five years, and 1,000 000 over five years in the whole country. Having a strong TV program just to teach, and having pastoral conferences twice a year in each one of the nine geographic departments.
Here is the first book.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hope Center Institute of Petite-Anse
This school is founded by Reverend Vilmer Paul in Heavenly Light Church. The creation of this school is to respond to the need of providing education for the last group in the society who has no other way to frequent a school than receiving education for free. As my church is formed almost of this class of people, therefore my church is full with uneducated people. The more uneducated people you have, the more your pastoral work is intense, because you as pastor represent a lot to these people. It is also quite clear that uneducated people are far from knowing how to remove themselves from poverty and suffering. Now how to reduce the amount of alphabetization? People want to invest in alphabetization for the adult, but I prefer the kids because if we do not start with the kids, we will always have to work with the adult while they are almost dying. We start 2years ago, and we have 150 kids attending the school this year.

What do we have as problem to keep this school moving forward?
1- salaries for teachers and workers (but a man of God is giving some money to help in that every month, we still need some)
2- repairing and making preparation during the summer for the fall semester (again we have some, but not enough)
3- having a place for the school to meet without problem (we start the building, but we still need to work on it)
Our vision for this school.
1- keeping the school working every year
2- having the building finish for the school
3- having more classes
4- provide a Christo Centric education to these kids
5- providing a good education for this fourth group of the society
6- providing a profession for the kids while they are continuing with their school

Thanks for taking time to read about our school ministry in Haiti.

Vilmer Paul